Be Grateful (Estimation)
“Be grateful for what you have!”
and its companions
“at least you’re alive”
“it could be worse”,
“someone else would love
to be in your shoes”,
would produce more healing
if the pronoun were changed.
“Be grateful for what you have!”
and its companions
“at least you’re alive”
“it could be worse”,
“someone else would love
to be in your shoes”,
would produce more healing
if the pronoun were changed.
Convertible Night Sky (Memory) I’m wearing silk and denim, freshly showered, platform wedge shoes, camera in my lap. My husband smells like summer, sports a happy Tommy Bahama shirt and a baseball cap, and guides the car smoothly home. It’s date night and we are high on Chris Smither, laughter …
Fairy candles lure from the coolness of the house to a steamy summer garden bonfire Alive with spicy promises Whispers, laughter, distant music.