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4:20 Peace Train (Estimation)

4:20 Peace Train  (Estimation) Should we assess a photograph first on its technical merits (composition, exposure, focus, subject, contrast, sharpness)? Or on its artistic intent? Let’s examine this one, and see where each method takes us. First a technical analysis:  Some point-of-view distortion; decent exposure, rendering lots of detail in …

Focus (Common Sense)

Focus (Common Sense) If focus were all that important to a designer’s success, then why on earth would God have designed so many flowers? I mean, they all do the same thing: make pollen, attract pollinators, get the pollen to the ovaries, and make viable seed.  Once you’ve designed a …

Whither thou goest (Imagination)

Whither thou goest (Imagination) I feel the wind change first, then spot the train. It thunders and screams into the station in a diesel-scented cloud. It shrieks to a complete, silent stop. In one scenario, I impetuously board the train, pay the extra three dollars for the ticket and travel …

Photographing a Fragrance

New, white leather shoes that squeak and pinch(but, oh, my first heels! and I don’t complain)Sulfur, a match flare, warm beeswax and myrrh. Kneel.                                                 Shuffling      …