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Common Sense


Airport Koi (Common Sense)

  What a wise thing to have a koi pond at the entrance to a restaurant notoriously overbooked, yet well worth hoping for a table!  We who wait outside Nancy’s Airfield Cafe become a small community. We count fish, compare notes. We point out hiding places. We announce our favorite …


Don’t Look At the Light (Common Sense)

  What a silly thing to say to a photographer! “Don’t look at the light!” Word zipped around the construction site.  With the welder working his magic, the seasoned veterans expressed concern to the juniors. Stories traveled, quickly, tersely, between saw cuts and cigarette exhales about coworkers gone blind too …

Technical Difficulties (Common Sense)

For some peculiar reason, I am unable to upload images to the blog — which makes writing a photo blog somewhat difficult. I will be back as soon as I am able. The most relevant answer to my problem appears to be that I’ve tripped into some sort of SPAM …

Concrete Abstractions (Common Sense)

Concrete Abstractions (Common Sense) If I asked you the subject of this photograph, what would you say? Most people would suggest the cement truck, the foundation, construction as subjects… Why? Generally, because we can readily wrap our minds around objects, scenes, and events. We name them, picture them (hey, it …

Focus (Common Sense)

Focus (Common Sense) If focus were all that important to a designer’s success, then why on earth would God have designed so many flowers? I mean, they all do the same thing: make pollen, attract pollinators, get the pollen to the ovaries, and make viable seed.  Once you’ve designed a …

No blog today (Common Sense)

No blog for a few days, while I deal with a minor health issue. Sometimes the best photo is no photo at all! If you are interested in guest blogging, drop me a note, 100-200 words and a photo, and draw our attention to a bit of magic in your …

Time Traveler 1917 (Common Sense)

“Farmers are hit by war gardeners”, and disgusted by low prices, they plow in their crops. “War not creating so many jobs for women as public supposes”. Pages from the Boston Traveler, July 26, 1917, stuffed in the walls of an 1871 home for warmth. World War I era poster …

Cobweb/Leeks (Estimation)

Cobweb/Leeks I (Estimation) What are you photographing? I have containers outdoors filled with sempervivum (“live forever” or “house leeks”), and a mix of sedums. Sedum album ‘Murale’ is in bloom now. So, I thought I would photograph that. Taken by the delicacy of its bloom against the coarse sedum and …