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Steel (Estimation)

The design —  a simple, open space, framed by windows, anchored by a stone fireplace — requires steel:  a foreign concept to my New England shipbuilder bones!  I know how to fell a tree, limb it, debark it, and slice it into timbers.  I know how to join the timbers. …

Common Threads (Imagination)

Common Threads (Common Sense) I planted these flowers together (Echinacea purpurea ‘Razzmatazz’ and Geranium sanguineum ‘Rozanne’) because they share two common elements. The first element? That raspberry color so obvious in Razzmatazz, and so delicate in Rozanne.  The second? A slightly twisting curl. Again, showy in the reflexed petals of …

Focus (Common Sense)

Focus (Common Sense) If focus were all that important to a designer’s success, then why on earth would God have designed so many flowers? I mean, they all do the same thing: make pollen, attract pollinators, get the pollen to the ovaries, and make viable seed.  Once you’ve designed a …