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Trippers (Imagination)

I’ve missed you guys, but as most of you know,  I’ve been a bit busy putting these ideas to work in my first feature-length film: Trippers. You can read more about it if you click that link.  In it, a young widow fights with a quirky consignment shopkeeper in an attempt …

Caution Tape (Imagination)

Caution Tape (Imagination)

The stairs aren’t safe. Yes, they will hold your weight. Yes, your balance might compensate for the missing handrail. And the missing wall. But still, we don’t want you to travel up those stairs. You see, it isn’t about you. Unseen, in the attic, two stories up, a crew is demolishing …

Sconce (Imagination)

Sconce (Imagination) A fact, this bit of wallpaper revealed when the knob-and-tube-wired sconce was removed, a clue to a previous life for this room, rudely interrupted by current technology. What stories do you imagine, or substantiate, past or future from this fragment of information? Sometimes the large story lives in …

Objects may be closer (Imagination)

Objects may be closer (Imagination) Summer rain mists my window, glass cool against my forehead. Headlamps stream too soon. Cars hiss swiftly past— fast, then slow so we pass again under the overpass. And you, ever the object of my affection, are closer to me than any object in my …

Methods of Work (Imagination)

Methods of Work (Imagination) Cooper, studio cat extraordinaire, keeps me company at all hours, reminds me when it is long past meal time, and pushes me off my chair when he thinks it’s bedtime. He occasionally edits my work by dumping the laptop on the floor, with a motion easily …

Common Threads (Imagination)

Common Threads (Common Sense) I planted these flowers together (Echinacea purpurea ‘Razzmatazz’ and Geranium sanguineum ‘Rozanne’) because they share two common elements. The first element? That raspberry color so obvious in Razzmatazz, and so delicate in Rozanne.  The second? A slightly twisting curl. Again, showy in the reflexed petals of …

Whither thou goest (Imagination)

Whither thou goest (Imagination) I feel the wind change first, then spot the train. It thunders and screams into the station in a diesel-scented cloud. It shrieks to a complete, silent stop. In one scenario, I impetuously board the train, pay the extra three dollars for the ticket and travel …

I thought you were gone (Imagination)

I thought you were gone (Imagination) Under a canopy of heart-shaped leaves, I planted a remembrance garden of white flowers and foliage. You can read my garden if you know the plant names, and I could not resist planting the pure white iris “Immortality” here even though the light was …

Razzmatazz (Imagination)

Razzmatazz (Imagination) Independence Day? I singled out this flower from the border to highlight its wild shape and color, but in the larger landscape one flower, even one as wild as this, gets lost. Bolstered by dozens of its mates and set off by a variety of textures, colors, and …

Essex Salt Marsh (Imagination)

Essex Salt Marsh (Imagination) A sea breeze buffs out what remains of the fragile early summer heat. Overtones of lobster, melted butter, and freshly mown grass mingle in the salt marsh musk. Hot coffee served on the porch in earthenware mugs warms our hands. The water reflects the sky. The sky reflects our friendship.