Be Grateful (Estimation)
“Be grateful for what you have!”
and its companions
“at least you’re alive”
“it could be worse”,
“someone else would love
to be in your shoes”,
would produce more healing
if the pronoun were changed.
“Be grateful for what you have!”
and its companions
“at least you’re alive”
“it could be worse”,
“someone else would love
to be in your shoes”,
would produce more healing
if the pronoun were changed.
Vice President Biden visited Provincetown, Massachusetts this week, and spoke of the courage of the LGBT community. The twenty-five-hundred prayer ribbons fluttering in front of the Provincetown Library on the 25th anniversary of the annual Swim for Life event, spoke more effectively, of something much larger than one special interest …
What a silly thing to say to a photographer! “Don’t look at the light!” Word zipped around the construction site. With the welder working his magic, the seasoned veterans expressed concern to the juniors. Stories traveled, quickly, tersely, between saw cuts and cigarette exhales about coworkers gone blind too …
Camouflage (estimation) I learned my camouflage tricks from frogs hiding at the edge of the pond, waiting for a movement, a sign, a hint of malice or… what, exactly? What makes one jump into the water while another sits with patient courage and sings his unique song loudly into danger’s face. …
Thunder grumbles interrupted the happy, rose-scented, graduation party burble. Wind lifted the table cloths, lifted the plates, lifted the canopies, lifted the guests out of the pool, out of their chairs and into the safety of the house. Water fell in cold marbles that bounced on empty chairs and piled …
“Blue River Garden” (Imagination) 4:30 in the morning is a peculiar time to be writing about sharpness. I am anything but sharp before coffee, before daylight, before noon. But sharpness has been on my mind lately, because I’ve recently switched to Leica equipment, and joined a community of Leica users …
New, white leather shoes that squeak and pinch(but, oh, my first heels! and I don’t complain)Sulfur, a match flare, warm beeswax and myrrh. Kneel. Shuffling …
Many photo and design blogs focus on gear, on technique, and on “how to become a professional”. This is not one of those.This blog is about what inspires me to make images. I hope you will find inspiration here, too.We live in bodies, so most of us are aware of the five …